Who was Durgadas Rathod?


Durgadas Rathod is a name that resonates with the ideals of loyalty, courage, and resilience. Born in the 17th century, this Rajput warrior from the Rathore clan of Marwar, now in Rajasthan, played a pivotal role in the history of the region. His life is a testament to the Rajput code of honor and dedication to the land and its people. Despite living in a time of political turbulence and foreign domination, Durgadas Rathod’s actions not only preserved the independence of Marwar but also restored its rightful ruler, ensuring that the legacy of the Rathores continued.

Early Life and Background

Durgadas Rathod was born into the distinguished Rathore clan in 1638 in the town of Salwan Kalan, Jodhpur. His father, Askaran Rathod, was a senior noble in the court of Maharaja Jaswant Singh, the ruler of Marwar. Durgadas grew up amidst the valorous traditions of the Rajputs, learning the arts of warfare and statecraft from an early age. His upbringing in the martial culture of Rajasthan instilled in him the qualities of bravery and loyalty, which would later define his life.

The period in which Durgadas was born was marked by the expansion of the Mughal Empire under Emperor Aurangzeb. The Mughals had established their dominance over much of India, including the Rajputana region. Although the Rajputs had a long history of resistance, the overwhelming power of the Mughals forced many Rajput rulers into alliances or submission. However, the spirit of independence remained strong, particularly in the hearts of warriors like Durgadas.

The Crisis in Marwar

The turning point in Durgadas Rathod’s life came with the death of Maharaja Jaswant Singh in 1678. Jaswant Singh had no surviving male heir at the time of his death, a situation that posed a significant problem for Marwar. The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, always eager to extend his control, saw this as an opportunity to annex Marwar directly into the Mughal Empire. He sent his forces to occupy the kingdom, ostensibly to maintain order but with the real intent of taking over.

However, shortly after Jaswant Singh’s death, his queen gave birth to a posthumous son, Ajit Singh. This child was the legitimate heir to the throne of Marwar, but his very existence was a threat to Aurangzeb’s plans. To secure Marwar for the Mughals, Aurangzeb sought to take Ajit Singh under his “protection” and bring him to Delhi, where he could control the boy and, by extension, the kingdom. This was when Durgadas Rathod’s steadfast loyalty and courage came to the fore.

The Escape to Safety

Durgadas Rathod, recognizing the grave danger to the infant Ajit Singh and the future of Marwar, took it upon himself to ensure the child’s safety. He devised a plan to smuggle the young prince out of Delhi, where Aurangzeb had him under close watch. Durgadas and a group of loyal Rajputs staged a daring escape, with Durgadas himself leading the charge. The escape was a perilous journey through enemy territory, but Durgadas’s strategic brilliance and unyielding determination enabled them to evade Mughal forces and bring Ajit Singh to safety in Marwar.

This act of valor did not go unnoticed. It cemented Durgadas Rathod’s reputation as a warrior of unmatched courage and loyalty. More importantly, it kept alive the hope of a free Marwar, as Ajit Singh was the rightful heir to the throne.

Guerilla Warfare Against the Mughals

The escape of Ajit Singh was just the beginning of a long and arduous struggle to reclaim Marwar from Mughal control. For the next 25 years, Durgadas Rathod led a relentless guerilla campaign against the Mughal forces in Rajasthan. His knowledge of the terrain, combined with his military acumen, allowed him to conduct highly effective raids on Mughal garrisons and supply lines. Durgadas’s forces, though smaller and less equipped than the Mughals, struck fear into the hearts of their enemies with their surprise attacks and fierce resistance.

During this period, Durgadas also worked to build alliances with other Rajput states, recognizing that unity was essential to counter the Mughal threat. His efforts helped to forge a coalition of Rajput rulers who shared a common interest in resisting Mughal dominance. This alliance was crucial in sustaining the resistance and eventually led to the restoration of Ajit Singh as the ruler of Marwar.

The Restoration of Ajit Singh

The tide finally turned in favor of Durgadas and his cause with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. Aurangzeb’s death plunged the Mughal Empire into a succession crisis and internal strife, weakening its grip on the regions it had conquered. Seizing this opportunity, Durgadas intensified his efforts and, with the support of the Rajput confederation, was able to reclaim Jodhpur for Ajit Singh.

Ajit Singh was finally enthroned as the Maharaja of Marwar, fulfilling the mission that Durgadas had dedicated his life to. The restoration of Ajit Singh marked the end of Mughal interference in Marwar and the beginning of a new era of independence for the region. Durgadas Rathod’s role in this achievement cannot be overstated; it was his unwavering commitment, strategic brilliance, and indomitable spirit that made this victory possible.

Legacy and Final Years

Durgadas Rathod spent his later years in Ujjain, where he continued to be respected as a statesman and warrior. He passed away in 1718 at the age of 80. His life and deeds have been immortalized in the folklore and history of Rajasthan. Today, Durgadas Rathod is celebrated as a hero who exemplified the Rajput ideals of honor, loyalty, and courage. His legacy lives on not only in the history books but also in the hearts of the people of Rajasthan.

Statues and memorials dedicated to Durgadas can be found across Rajasthan, including the famous “Chhatri” (cenotaph) in Ujjain, which stands as a symbol of his valor and selfless service to Marwar. His story is a reminder of the power of determination and the importance of fighting for what is just and rightful, even against overwhelming odds.


Durgadas Rathod’s life is a shining example of how one man’s loyalty and courage can alter the course of history. His steadfast commitment to protecting the rightful heir of Marwar and his unrelenting fight against a vastly superior force embody the true spirit of the Rajput warrior. In an age of political intrigue and imperial expansion, Durgadas stood firm in his beliefs, ensuring that the legacy of Marwar’s rulers was preserved for future generations. His legacy continues to inspire those who value freedom, honor, and devotion to one’s duty.

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