The Aṅguttara Nikaya
- in Ancient India
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The Aṅguttara Nikaya is one of the five major collections of discourses in the Pali Canon, which is the primary Buddhist scripture used by Theravada Buddhists.…
The Aṅguttara Nikaya is one of the five major collections of discourses in the Pali Canon, which is the primary Buddhist scripture used by Theravada Buddhists.…
Buddhist Sutras are sacred texts that contain the teachings of the Buddha and his disciples. They are considered to be the primary source of Buddhist doctrine and are revered by Buddhist practitioners all over the…
The Diamond Sutra, also known as the Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra, is one of the most important and influential Mahayana Buddhist texts. It is part of the larger Prajnaparamita or Perfection of Wisdom literature, which expounds on the concept of prajna or wisdom.…
The Heart Sutra, also known as the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra, is one of the most famous and important Buddhist scriptures. It is a concise text that contains profound wisdom and teachings on the nature of reality, the nature of the mind, and the path to enlightenment.…
The Lotus Sutra is a famous Mahayana Buddhist scripture that originated in India around the 1st century CE. The sutra, also known as the Saddharma-pundarika Sutra, is considered one of the most important and influential texts in Mahayana Buddhism.…
The Kathasaritsagara is a famous Indian collection of stories that have been passed down through generations. Its name roughly translates to “the ocean of the streams of stories” and it is believed to have been written in Sanskrit between the 11th and 12th centuries. This collection of stories has been a significant influence on Indian culture and literature for centuries and continues to be widely read today.…
Hitopadesha is another ancient collection of animal fables that originated in India. The collection is believed to have been written in the 12th century AD, and is based on the Panchatantra, with some additional stories and modifications. The name “Hitopadesha” means “good advice” in Sanskrit, and the collection is considered to be a guide to living a virtuous and fulfilling life.…
The Jataka Tales are a collection of Buddhist stories that recount the previous lives of the Buddha. These tales are known for their didactic nature and are often used to teach moral values to children. The Jataka Tales are believed to have been compiled around 300 BCE and were written in Pali, the language of the Buddhist scriptures. They have been passed down through oral tradition and are still widely read and appreciated today.…
Panchatantra is an ancient collection of interrelated animal fables that were originally written in Sanskrit. The collection has been translated into many different languages and is considered one of the most popular and influential works of literature in India and around the world. The stories contained in the Panchatantra have been adapted and retold in many different forms, including books, films, television shows, and even video games.…
Natyashastra is an ancient Indian text that is considered to be one of the foundational works of Indian performing arts. The text is believed to have been written between the 2nd century BCE and the 2nd century CE, and is attributed to the sage Bharata Muni. Natyashastra is a comprehensive treatise that covers a wide range of topics related to performing arts, including music, dance, theater, and aesthetics.…