How Maratha’s Daring Attack on Mughals in Delhi Changed Indian History Forever

Marathas attack on Mughals changed the course of Indian history.The attack on Delhi by Peshwa Bajirao I in 1737 is one of the most notable events in his military career, showcasing his strategic brilliance and boldness. Here’s a detailed account of the campaign:

Context and Background

By the early 18th century, the Mughal Empire was in decline, weakened by internal strife and external invasions. The Marathas, under the leadership of Peshwa Bajirao I, were on the rise, seeking to expand their influence across India.


Bajirao’s primary objective in attacking Delhi was to assert Maratha dominance over the declining Mughal Empire and to force the Mughal emperor, Muhammad Shah, to acknowledge Maratha supremacy.

The Campaign

  1. Planning and Preparation:
  • Bajirao meticulously planned the campaign, taking advantage of the Mughal Empire’s weakened state.
  • His forces were well-prepared for rapid and long-distance movements, a hallmark of his military strategy.
  1. Initial Movements:
  • Bajirao’s army, consisting mainly of cavalry, moved swiftly from Pune towards Delhi. The Marathas covered approximately 800 miles in a remarkably short period.
  • This rapid advance took the Mughal forces by surprise, as they were unprepared for such a sudden and deep penetration into their territory.
  1. Battle of Delhi:
  • The Maratha forces reached the outskirts of Delhi in 1737. The Mughal emperor, Muhammad Shah, hastily assembled a defense force to protect the capital.
  • Bajirao employed his typical guerrilla tactics, attacking swiftly and then retreating before the Mughals could mount a significant counterattack.
  • Despite being outnumbered, Bajirao’s forces managed to inflict substantial damage on the Mughal army, causing panic and confusion.
  1. Negotiations and Treaty:
  • Realizing the futility of a prolonged confrontation and facing the threat of a Maratha siege, the Mughal emperor opened negotiations.
  • Bajirao leveraged his advantageous position to force the Mughals into a treaty that recognized Maratha sovereignty over large parts of central and northern India.
  • The terms included the cession of territories and the payment of a significant tribute to the Marathas.

Outcome and Significance

  • Maratha Supremacy: The successful attack on Delhi significantly bolstered Maratha prestige and established their dominance over the Mughal Empire.
  • Strategic Impact: The campaign demonstrated Bajirao’s military genius, particularly his ability to conduct rapid, deep-penetration raids that left enemies unprepared and demoralized.
  • Political Ramifications: The attack on the Mughal capital symbolized the shift in power from the Mughals to the Marathas, marking a crucial point in Indian history.


  • Military Innovation: Bajirao’s tactics during the Delhi campaign are studied for their innovative use of mobility, surprise, and psychological warfare.
  • Historical Impact: The event underscored the decline of Mughal power and the emergence of the Marathas as the foremost power in India.
  • Cultural Memory: The boldness of Bajirao’s attack on Delhi has been celebrated in Maratha folklore and continues to be a source of pride and inspiration.

Bajirao’s attack on Delhi in 1737 remains a testament to his exceptional leadership and strategic foresight, solidifying his reputation as one of India’s greatest military commanders.

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