The Tirukkural – The Literary Masterpiece

The Tirukkural is a renowned Tamil literature work that contains ethical teachings and moral codes. It is considered one of the most influential works in Tamil literature and has been translated into several languages worldwide. The Tirukkural was written by Thiruvalluvar, a Tamil poet and philosopher, in the 1st century BCE. In this article, we will explore the background, structure, and significance of this literary masterpiece.


The Tirukkural is a product of ancient Tamil society, which was deeply rooted in religion, philosophy, and ethics. The Tamil society was primarily rural, and its people were largely involved in agriculture and animal husbandry. The society was divided into various classes, and the moral code of conduct varied from class to class. Thiruvalluvar, who was himself a weaver, observed these social divisions and wrote the Tirukkural to provide a universal moral code of conduct applicable to all classes of people.


The Tirukkural consists of 1,330 couplets or kurals, each of which contains two lines. Each kural is a self-contained verse, and the entire work is divided into three main sections: Aram (virtue), Porul (wealth), and Inbam (love). The first section, Aram, contains 380 kurals and deals with ethical and moral codes of conduct, such as righteousness, honesty, compassion, and humility. The second section, Porul, contains 700 kurals and deals with the subject of wealth, such as agriculture, trade, and commerce. The third section, Inbam, contains 250 kurals and deals with the subject of love, such as marital life, friendship, and family relationships.


The Tirukkural is a literary masterpiece that has influenced Tamil society for centuries. It is regarded as a source of guidance and wisdom for people of all ages, religions, and classes. The Tirukkural is a unique work in that it covers a broad range of topics, from social ethics to economics to personal relationships. It is often compared to other great works of world literature, such as the Bible, the Quran, and the Bhagavad Gita.

One of the most significant aspects of the Tirukkural is its universal applicability. Its teachings are not limited to a particular religion or caste but are applicable to all humans regardless of their background. The Tirukkural promotes the idea of a just and equitable society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. It emphasizes the importance of virtues such as honesty, generosity, and kindness, which are essential for building a strong and harmonious society.

Another significant aspect of the Tirukkural is its emphasis on the importance of education. Thiruvalluvar believed that education was the key to human development and that it was essential for individuals to be educated in moral and ethical values. The Tirukkural promotes the idea of lifelong learning and emphasizes the importance of acquiring knowledge and wisdom throughout one’s life.

The Tirukkural also promotes the idea of nonviolence and peaceful coexistence. It emphasizes the importance of resolving conflicts through dialogue and negotiation rather than resorting to violence. The Tirukkural advocates for the establishment of a just and equitable society where all people are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background.


The Tirukkural is a literary masterpiece that has stood the test of time. It is a work that has influenced Tamil society for centuries and continues to be relevant even today. The Tirukkural promotes the idea of a just and equitable society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. It emphasizes the importance of virtues such as honesty, generosity, and kindness, which are essential for building a strong and harmonious society

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