What did vijaynagar empire export?

The Vijayanagara Empire, which flourished in South India from the 14th to 17th centuries, was a significant center of trade and commerce. During its heyday, the empire engaged in extensive trade both within the Indian subcontinent and with foreign regions. Some of the main commodities exported during the Vijayanagara Empire included:

  1. Spices: The region was renowned for its production of spices such as pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. These spices were in high demand in the international market and formed a major part of the empire’s exports.
  2. Textiles: Vijayanagara was known for its fine cotton and silk textiles, which were highly prized commodities in both domestic and foreign markets. The empire had a thriving textile industry, producing a wide range of fabrics including muslin, silk sarees, and cotton textiles.
  3. Precious Stones: The empire was rich in mineral resources, including precious stones such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. These gemstones were mined and traded extensively, attracting merchants from distant lands.
  4. Horses: The Vijayanagara Empire was a major center for the trade of horses. Arabian horses, known for their speed and endurance, were imported into the empire and then traded to other regions.
  5. Metalware and Weapons: The empire had a skilled metallurgical industry that produced high-quality metalware and weapons. Items such as brassware, copper utensils, and iron weapons were exported to various regions.
  6. Rice and Other Agricultural Products: The fertile lands of the Vijayanagara Empire allowed for the cultivation of a variety of agricultural products, including rice, pulses, spices, and sugarcane. Surplus agricultural produce was exported to neighboring regions.
  7. Wood and Timber: The empire had access to dense forests, and timber was an important commodity that was exported for construction, shipbuilding, and other purposes.

These are some of the main commodities that were exported from the Vijayanagara Empire. The empire’s strategic location in South India, along with its vibrant trade networks and economic policies, contributed to its prosperity and status as a major trading power in the Indian Ocean region.

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