The “Agnipath Scheme” introduced by the Indian government includes provisions for compensation in the unfortunate event that an Agniveer (a soldier recruited under this scheme) is martyred during service. The compensation package is designed to support the family of the martyred soldier. As of the latest updates, the compensation details are as follows:

1.Insurance Cover:

    • Agniveers are provided with a non-contributory life insurance cover of ₹48 lakh during their engagement period.

    2.Ex Gratia Payment:

      • In addition to the insurance cover, an ex gratia of ₹44 lakh will be provided to the family of the martyred Agniveer.

      3.Seva Nidhi Package:

        • The Seva Nidhi Package, which includes the accumulated Agniveer Corpus Fund (contributions made by the Agniveer and the government) along with the interest accrued, will be paid to the next of kin. This amount is approximately ₹11.71 lakh after four years of service.

        4.Compensation for Disability:

          • In case of disability, based on the percentage of disability, a lump sum ex-gratia compensation of ₹15 lakh, ₹25 lakh, or ₹44 lakh will be paid, as well as a full pay for the unserved period up to four years.

          5. Additional Benefits:

            • The family will also receive the salary for the remaining tenure from the date of death up to the end of four years, including the Seva Nidhi component.

            The Agnipath Scheme aims to modernize the armed forces while providing young individuals an opportunity to serve the nation. The compensation package is structured to ensure that the families of martyred Agniveers are supported financially.