What is Legend of Shri Krishna Heart & Jagannath Temple?

The legend about the Jagannath Temple in Puri and Shri Krishna’s heart is a fascinating tale intertwined with devotion, mysticism, and the deep spiritual heritage of India. This legend, which revolves around the relic believed to be Shri Krishna’s heart, adds an intriguing layer of sanctity and mystery to the temple’s already profound spiritual significance.

The Legend of Shri Krishna’s Heart

The story begins with the Mahabharata war and the demise of Shri Krishna. After the great war, Shri Krishna retired to the forest to meditate. It was here that a hunter, mistaking Shri Krishna’s moving foot for a deer, shot an arrow that led to Shri Krishna’s departure from the earthly realm. His body was cremated, but his heart, imbued with divine energy, did not burn and remained intact.

This immortal heart of Shri Krishna, often referred to as “Shri Krishna’s navel,” became an object of reverence and was safeguarded by divine forces. According to the legend, this relic eventually came into the possession of King Indradyumna, a devout king who sought to establish a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu in his form as Jagannath, meaning “Lord of the Universe.”

The Role of King Indradyumna

King Indradyumna’s dream and desire to build a temple were divinely inspired. He was guided by a celestial vision in which he was instructed to retrieve the sacred relic of Shri Krishna’s heart and enshrine it in the temple he would construct. The king undertook a long and arduous journey, overcoming numerous obstacles, to locate the relic. Eventually, he succeeded in obtaining it and brought it back to Puri.

The Construction of the Jagannath Temple

With divine guidance, King Indradyumna began the construction of the grand Jagannath Temple. The relic of Shri Krishna’s heart was to be placed within the main deity, Jagannath, along with his siblings Balabhadra (Balarama) and Subhadra.

During the construction, another legend unfolds involving a mysterious carpenter, believed to be Vishwakarma, the divine architect. Vishwakarma agreed to carve the deities under the condition that he would work in secrecy and no one should disturb him. However, due to impatience and curiosity, the king broke his promise and entered the workshop prematurely. As a result, the deities remained unfinished, but they were consecrated and worshipped in their incomplete form, embodying the divine mystery.

The Sacred Relic Inside the Deity

The most sacred part of this legend is the belief that Shri Krishna’s heart was enshrined within the wooden idol of Lord Jagannath. This relic is said to be transferred from one idol to the next during the Nabakalebara ritual, which occurs periodically when the wooden deities are replaced. The ritual involves a highly secretive process, conducted by select priests, who transfer the relic to the new idol without it being seen by others, maintaining the sanctity and secrecy of the sacred heart of Shri Krishna.

Spiritual Significance

The legend of Shri Krishna’s heart in the Jagannath Temple underscores the profound connection between the temple and the larger narrative of Shri Krishna’s divine presence. It symbolizes the eternal and unchanging nature of divinity amidst the temporal world. For devotees, this relic represents an unbroken link to the divine essence of Shri Krishna, making the temple a central pilgrimage site for those seeking to connect with his eternal spirit.


The Jagannath Temple in Puri is not only a marvel of architecture and devotion but also a vessel of ancient legends and spiritual mystique. The story of Shri Krishna’s heart enshrined within the deity of Jagannath enriches the temple’s spiritual heritage, drawing millions of devotees who come to seek blessings and immerse themselves in the divine mystery. This legend highlights the deep-seated faith and the intricate tapestry of myths that form the core of Hindu spirituality, making the Jagannath Temple a pivotal beacon of divine love and eternal devotion.

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