Who is Saalumarada Thimmakka?

Saalumarada Thimmakka: The Mother of Trees

Saalumarada Thimmakka is an extraordinary environmentalist from Karnataka, India, who has earned global recognition for her incredible contribution to afforestation and environmental conservation. She is often referred to as the “Mother of Trees” and is celebrated for her life-long dedication to planting and nurturing trees, despite humble beginnings and limited resources.

Early Life and Background

Born in the village of Hulikal in the Tumakuru district of Karnataka around 1910, Saalumarada Thimmakka comes from a modest background. She belonged to a low-income family and had very little access to formal education. Thimmakka, whose real name was Gagamma, worked as a manual laborer in agricultural fields for most of her life. Her husband, Chikkanna, was also a laborer. Though they lived in extreme poverty, what added to their emotional distress was their inability to have children, something that deeply affected both of them.

Despite these challenges, Thimmakka’s life took an extraordinary turn. Unable to have biological children, she and her husband decided to channel their love and energy into nurturing nature. This decision led to a journey that would eventually make her a household name not only in India but across the world.

The Beginning of Her Environmental Work

It all began in the 1940s when Thimmakka and her husband Chikkanna decided to plant trees along a stretch of road between Hulikal and Kudoor. They began with 10 banyan saplings, which they carefully selected and planted along the four-kilometer-long stretch. They nurtured these saplings with love and dedication, often carrying water from a nearby well on foot to ensure that the plants thrived.

Over the next several years, they continued their work with unwavering commitment. Thimmakka and her husband expanded their efforts, planting more banyan trees along this stretch of road, despite the harsh climatic conditions and limited resources. By the end of their efforts, they had planted and nurtured 384 banyan trees, which grew into a dense, green canopy, transforming the landscape.

A Legacy of Trees

The banyan trees planted by Thimmakka and her husband stand tall today, providing shade, oxygen, and beauty to the region. They are a living testament to her perseverance and passion for nature. These trees have become a landmark in Karnataka, drawing attention from environmentalists, scientists, and travelers alike.

Thimmakka’s work is not just about planting trees; it’s about creating a sustainable environment and showcasing how an individual can make a significant impact on the planet, even without vast resources. Her dedication is particularly significant because it occurred long before environmental conservation became a mainstream concern. She understood the importance of trees for ecological balance, long before modern environmental movements gained traction.

Recognition and Awards

Despite her monumental achievements, Thimmakka remained largely unknown for many years. She received little to no recognition initially, continuing her work in relative obscurity. However, as environmental awareness grew, her work began to attract the attention it deserved.

Saalumarada Thimmakka has since been recognized with numerous awards and honors for her environmental efforts. One of the most significant acknowledgments came in 2019 when the Government of India awarded her the Padma Shri, one of the country’s highest civilian honors. This award brought her story to national and international prominence, further inspiring countless individuals to take up environmental causes.

Some of the other prestigious awards and recognitions she has received include:

  • National Citizen’s Award
  • Nadoja Award from Hampi University
  • Indira Priyadarshini Vrikshamitra Award
  • Karnataka Rajyotsava Award
  • Honorary Doctorate from the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

She has also been listed in various global environmental forums as one of the most influential figures in the grassroots environmental movement.

The Symbolism of Her Name

The name “Saalumarada” translates to “row of trees” in Kannada, a fitting tribute to her life’s work. It was given to her by the people of Karnataka as a mark of respect for her unwavering commitment to afforestation. This name has since become synonymous with her identity and her efforts to transform barren landscapes into lush greenery.

Inspiration for the Global Environmental Movement

Thimmakka’s story is one of perseverance, compassion, and dedication to the environment. Her efforts exemplify how grassroots movements can lead to significant ecological change. At a time when deforestation, climate change, and environmental degradation threaten the planet, Thimmakka’s life serves as a reminder of the power of individual action.

In her later years, Thimmakka has become a figure of inspiration for environmental activists, students, and leaders worldwide. She has often been invited to speak at various platforms, where she encourages others to follow in her footsteps by planting trees and contributing to environmental conservation. Her message is simple yet profound: everyone can contribute to the environment, regardless of their social or economic status.

Thimmakka’s Continued Work

Even in her advanced age, Saalumarada Thimmakka continues to advocate for environmental causes. Her work has extended beyond planting trees to addressing issues like water conservation and sustainability. She has also been a vocal advocate for the rights of marginalized communities, particularly those who, like her, come from impoverished backgrounds.

Thimmakka has often emphasized that environmental work should be driven by compassion and a sense of responsibility toward future generations. She believes that every individual can contribute in their own way to preserving the environment. For her, the trees are not just plants; they are living beings, offering life and shelter to countless species. They are, in her words, “her children.”

Challenges Faced

Despite her recognition and accolades, Saalumarada Thimmakka has faced numerous challenges throughout her life. From financial difficulties to health issues, her journey has not been easy. However, she has always maintained her spirit of resilience, never allowing these challenges to deter her from her mission.

One of the ongoing concerns surrounding her legacy is the preservation and maintenance of the banyan trees she planted. While many organizations and government bodies have pledged their support, ensuring the long-term health of these trees requires sustained effort. Thimmakka has often expressed her hope that future generations will continue her work and expand the green canopy she began.


Saalumarada Thimmakka’s life is a testament to the power of individual action in the face of overwhelming odds. Her dedication to planting and nurturing trees has left an indelible mark on the environment and serves as an inspiration for millions worldwide. Through her unwavering commitment to afforestation and conservation, she has shown that anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, can make a profound impact on the world.

Her legacy will live on through the thousands of trees she has planted, offering shade, oxygen, and beauty for generations to come. Saalumarada Thimmakka truly embodies the spirit of environmental stewardship, reminding us all of the urgent need to protect and nurture the natural world.

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