Who is Sheikh Hasina?

Sheikh Hasina had to resign on 5th august 2024 and flee the country .

Sheikh Hasina, born on September 28, 1947, is a prominent Bangladeshi politician who has served as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh multiple times. As the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding leader and first President of Bangladesh, she has a significant political legacy. Sheikh Hasina is the leader of the Awami League, a major political party in Bangladesh, and has been a central figure in the country’s political landscape for decades.

Early Life and Family Background

Sheikh Hasina was born in Tungipara, in what was then East Bengal, part of British India (now Bangladesh). Her father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, played a crucial role in Bangladesh’s struggle for independence from Pakistan, leading to the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. Sheikh Hasina grew up in a politically active family, which deeply influenced her own political career.

Political Career and Leadership

Early Involvement

Sheikh Hasina entered politics in the late 1970s, shortly after the assassination of her father and most of her family members in 1975 during a military coup. She and her sister, Sheikh Rehana, survived because they were abroad at the time. In 1981, while living in exile in India, Hasina was elected president of the Awami League. She returned to Bangladesh that year and began rebuilding the party.

Prime Ministerial Terms

  1. First Term (1996-2001):
  • In 1996, Sheikh Hasina led the Awami League to victory in the general elections, becoming the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time. During her first term, her government focused on economic reforms, infrastructure development, and improving Bangladesh’s international relations. One of her significant achievements was the signing of the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty with India in 1996, which resolved a long-standing dispute over water resources.

2. Second Term (2009-2014):

    • Sheikh Hasina returned to power in 2009 after the Awami League won the 2008 elections. Her second term was marked by efforts to combat terrorism, improve women’s rights, and pursue economic development. She also emphasized the trial of war criminals involved in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, which led to the establishment of the International Crimes Tribunal.

    3. Third Term (2014-2018):

      • Hasina’s third term focused on infrastructure development, including major projects like the Padma Bridge, which aims to connect the country’s southwest region to the northern and eastern parts, significantly boosting trade and travel. Her government continued to emphasize economic growth, social development, and efforts to tackle corruption.

      4. Fourth Term (2018-2024):

      • Sheikh Hasina was re-elected in 2018, and her current term has continued to prioritize economic development, healthcare, education, and infrastructure projects. She has also played a crucial role in handling the Rohingya refugee crisis, advocating for international support and humanitarian aid for the displaced population

      4. Fifth Term:

        • Her 5th term lasted for few months only. She facing protest amidst reservation controversy had to resign on 5th august 2024. The protest led to number of deaths (more than 500)

        Major Achievements and Policies

        • Economic Growth: Under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership, Bangladesh has seen significant economic growth and development. The country has achieved considerable progress in various sectors, including garment manufacturing, which has become a major export industry.
        • Social Development: Her government has implemented various social welfare programs, focusing on poverty alleviation, education, and healthcare. These initiatives have contributed to improvements in living standards and human development indicators.
        • Women’s Rights: Sheikh Hasina has been a strong advocate for women’s rights and empowerment. Her government has introduced policies to increase female participation in education, employment, and politics.
        • Infrastructure Projects: Major infrastructure projects, such as the Padma Bridge, Dhaka Metro Rail, and expansion of the electricity grid, have been key priorities of her administration, aimed at enhancing connectivity and boosting economic activities.
        • Combating Extremism: Hasina’s government has taken a firm stance against extremism and terrorism, implementing measures to enhance security and prevent radicalization.

        Controversies and Criticisms

        While Sheikh Hasina has been praised for her contributions to Bangladesh’s development, her tenure has not been without controversies and criticisms:

        • Authoritarianism: Critics accuse her government of exhibiting authoritarian tendencies, including suppression of political dissent, media censorship, and undermining democratic institutions.
        • Election Integrity: Opposition parties and international observers have raised concerns about the fairness and transparency of elections held under her leadership, alleging voter intimidation and rigging.
        • Human Rights: Human rights organizations have criticized her administration for alleged human rights abuses, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and harassment of opposition figures.

        Personal Life and Legacy

        Sheikh Hasina is married to M. A. Wazed Miah, a prominent nuclear scientist, who passed away in 2009. They have two children: Sajeeb Wazed Joy, an ICT consultant, and Saima Wazed Hossain, a psychologist and autism activist.

        Sheikh Hasina’s legacy is multifaceted. She is credited with steering Bangladesh towards significant economic progress and development, while also being a polarizing figure due to her governance style and approach to political opposition. Her influence on Bangladesh’s political landscape is profound, and she remains a central figure in the country’s journey towards development and modernization.

        As one of the longest-serving leaders in South Asia, Sheikh Hasina’s impact on Bangladesh’s trajectory continues to be significant, shaping the nation’s future in profound ways.

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