What Is Kuber Mool Mantra?

In Hinduism, Lord Kuber is revered as the god of wealth, the guardian of the North direction, and the king of the Yakshas (nature-spirits). He is often invoked by those seeking material wealth, prosperity, and success in their endeavors. The Kuber Mantra, a powerful spiritual tool, is chanted to attract wealth, success, and abundance into one’s life. This mantra, like other sacred chants in Hinduism, is believed to harness the divine energies and cosmic forces to fulfill the desires of the devotee.

Who is Lord Kuber?

Lord Kuber is a prominent deity in Hindu mythology. He is considered the treasurer of the gods and the custodian of all the riches in the universe. According to the scriptures, Kuber was originally a mortal king, who through severe penance and devotion to Lord Shiva, was granted the status of a demigod and made the guardian of wealth. He resides in the mythical city of Alakapuri, which is described as a place of immense opulence and prosperity.

Kuber is typically depicted as a plump, dwarf-like figure with a cheerful countenance, holding a money pot or a bag of gold, signifying his control over material wealth. He is also associated with the Northern direction and is one of the Ashta-Dikpalas, the eight deities who guard the directions in Hindu cosmology.

The Importance of the Kuber Mantra

The Kuber Mantra is not merely a prayer; it is a powerful invocation that can unlock the doors to wealth and prosperity when chanted with faith and devotion. The mantra is believed to please Lord Kuber, who in turn bestows his blessings upon the devotee, ensuring financial stability, abundance, and success.

Wealth in Hinduism is not merely confined to material riches; it also encompasses overall well-being, including health, happiness, and spiritual wealth. Thus, chanting the Kuber Mantra can lead to a holistic sense of prosperity.

The Kuber Mantra and Its Variations

There are several variations of the Kuber Mantra, each with its own significance and power. Some of the most commonly chanted Kuber Mantras include:

  1. Kuber Gayatri Mantra:
  • “Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhana-Dhanyadi Pataye Dhana Dhanyam Samriddhim Me Dehi Dapaya Swaha”
  • Meaning: This mantra is a prayer to Lord Kuber, the guardian of wealth and prosperity, asking him to bless the devotee with wealth, prosperity, and success.
  1. Kuber Dhan Prapti Mantra:
  • “Om Hreem Shreem Hreem Kuberaya Namah”
  • Meaning: This mantra is a powerful chant invoking Lord Kuber to attract wealth and financial success.
  1. Kuber Mantra for Wealth:
  • “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namah”
  • Meaning: This mantra is recited to attract wealth and financial stability. It combines the Bija (seed) mantras “Shreem” and “Hreem,” which are known to attract abundance.

The Power of Chanting the Kuber Mantra

The Kuber Mantra is believed to have the power to transform the financial situation of the devotee by invoking the blessings of Lord Kuber. The mantra is not just about acquiring wealth but also about maintaining it and using it wisely for the greater good.

1. Attraction of Wealth:
The primary purpose of the Kuber Mantra is to attract wealth and financial prosperity. Regular chanting of the mantra is believed to open up new avenues for income, enhance business opportunities, and help in recovering lost wealth. It is also thought to remove financial blockages and obstacles that may be hindering one’s financial growth.

2. Financial Stability and Security:
In addition to attracting wealth, the Kuber Mantra is said to ensure financial stability and security. It helps in safeguarding one’s wealth from unnecessary losses and promotes wise and prudent financial management. By invoking Lord Kuber, devotees seek not only to acquire wealth but also to retain and grow it responsibly.

3. Removal of Poverty and Debt:
The Kuber Mantra is also chanted by those who are struggling with financial difficulties, including poverty and debt. It is believed to bring relief from such situations by gradually improving the financial condition of the devotee. The mantra’s vibrations are thought to create a positive energy that attracts prosperity and removes financial hardships.

4. Holistic Prosperity:
Wealth in Hinduism is not just about money; it also includes health, happiness, and spiritual growth. The Kuber Mantra is said to promote holistic prosperity by enhancing the overall well-being of the devotee. It fosters a sense of contentment and fulfillment, which are essential components of true wealth.

How to Chant the Kuber Mantra

Chanting the Kuber Mantra requires dedication, sincerity, and a pure heart. Here are some guidelines for chanting the mantra effectively:

1. Choose an Auspicious Time and Place:
The best time to chant the Kuber Mantra is during early morning hours (Brahma Muhurta) or during the evening. The place should be clean, quiet, and conducive to concentration. A small altar or space dedicated to Lord Kuber can be created, where an idol or image of the deity is placed.

2. Set a Clear Intention:
Before beginning the chanting, it is important to set a clear intention or Sankalpa. This intention could be for financial prosperity, clearing debts, or attracting wealth. Having a clear intention helps in focusing the mind and channeling the energy of the mantra effectively.

3. Use a Mala for Counting:
A mala (rosary) with 108 beads is often used to keep count of the number of recitations. Chanting the mantra 108 times is considered auspicious and is believed to yield the best results. The mala also helps in maintaining focus during the chanting process.

4. Focus on the Meaning and Visualization:
While chanting, it is beneficial to focus on the meaning of the mantra and visualize the blessings of Lord Kuber. One can imagine a flow of abundance and prosperity coming into their life, or visualize Lord Kuber showering his blessings upon them.

5. Consistency and Devotion:
Regular chanting of the Kuber Mantra is key to experiencing its benefits. It is recommended to chant the mantra daily, with devotion and sincerity. Over time, the consistent practice is believed to bring about a transformation in the devotee’s financial situation and overall well-being.

Kuber Mantra in Daily Life

The Kuber Mantra is not just for those seeking wealth; it is also for those who wish to maintain financial discipline and live a prosperous life. Integrating the mantra into daily life can bring about positive changes in one’s financial habits and mindset. For instance, chanting the mantra before making important financial decisions or investments can help in ensuring success and avoiding losses.

The mantra can also be chanted during times of financial stress or uncertainty, as it is believed to bring clarity, confidence, and a sense of security. Additionally, the Kuber Mantra can be recited as part of regular meditation or prayer, fostering a deep connection with the divine energy of wealth and prosperity.

The Symbolism of Wealth in Hinduism

In Hinduism, wealth is considered a divine blessing, and it is associated with both material and spiritual abundance. The acquisition of wealth is seen as a means to fulfill one’s duties, support the family, contribute to society, and perform acts of charity. However, wealth must be acquired and used in a righteous manner, without greed or attachment.

Lord Kuber embodies this principle of righteous wealth. As the custodian of all riches, he is a reminder that wealth should be earned through honest means and should be used for the welfare of others. By invoking Kuber through the mantra, devotees align themselves with these values, ensuring that their pursuit of wealth is in harmony with spiritual principles.


The Kuber Mantra, with its profound power and significance, offers a path to wealth, prosperity, and overall well-being. By invoking Lord Kuber, the god of wealth, devotees seek his blessings to attract abundance, overcome financial difficulties, and achieve financial stability. However, the mantra is not just about material gain; it is also about fostering a positive and disciplined approach to wealth, ensuring that it is used wisely and for the greater good.

Chanting the Kuber Mantra with faith, devotion, and a pure heart can bring about a transformation in one’s financial situation and lead to a life of prosperity, contentment, and spiritual growth. In a world where financial security is often a source of anxiety, the Kuber Mantra stands as a beacon of hope, offering the assurance of divine support in the pursuit of wealth and happiness.

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