Who Was Jalaram Bapa?

Sant Jalaram Bapa: The Saint of Service and Compassion

Sant Jalaram, affectionately known as Jalaram Bapa, was a 19th-century saint from Gujarat, India, known for his deep devotion to God and his unwavering commitment to serving humanity. Revered for his selfless acts of kindness, feeding the poor, and his unshakable faith in Lord Rama, Jalaram Bapa became a spiritual icon, especially in Gujarat, where his legacy of service and compassion continues to inspire millions.

Early Life

Sant Jalaram was born on November 4, 1799, in the village of Virpur, located in the Rajkot district of Gujarat. He was born into a middle-class family of merchants, belonging to the Thakkar caste. His father, Pradhan Thakkar, and mother, Rajbai, were devout Hindus and followers of Lord Rama. From a young age, Jalaram showed a strong inclination toward spirituality and acts of charity. He would often listen to religious discourses, and his love for helping the needy was evident from his early childhood.

Despite being born into a business-oriented family, Jalaram was not interested in pursuing a career as a merchant. His heart leaned more toward religious devotion and serving others. This strong spiritual inclination set him apart and paved the way for his future as a saint.

Marriage and Spiritual Awakening

At the age of 16, Jalaram married Virbai, a woman who shared his devotion to spirituality and service. Despite the expectations of his family, Jalaram chose not to follow in the footsteps of his father in the trading business. Instead, he fully embraced his spiritual calling, dedicating his life to serving the poor and the hungry.

Jalaram Bapa’s spiritual journey was greatly influenced by a saint named Bhojalram, who became his guru. Under the guidance of Bhojalram, Jalaram Bapa learned the principles of seva (selfless service) and devotion to God. He was instructed to serve humanity without any desire for personal gain, a lesson that became the foundation of his entire life.

Seva and the Annakshetra

One of the most remarkable aspects of Sant Jalaram’s life was his commitment to feeding the hungry, which became a central theme of his service. After receiving his spiritual initiation from Bhojalram, Jalaram Bapa, along with his wife Virbai, set up an “Annakshetra” (a charitable kitchen) in Virpur. The Annakshetra was open to everyone, regardless of caste, creed, or religion, and served food to the hungry every day.

Jalaram Bapa believed that feeding the hungry was the highest form of devotion to God. He did not discriminate against anyone, offering food and shelter to all who came to his door. This act of selfless service soon earned him the love and admiration of people from all walks of life, and he became widely regarded as a saint.

One of the unique features of the Annakshetra was that despite Jalaram Bapa’s limited personal resources, the food supply never ran out. It is said that Jalaram had such immense faith in Lord Rama that the kitchen continued to serve food without any shortage, no matter how many people came. This miraculous aspect of Jalaram Bapa’s service added to his saintly reputation, and many believed that his devotion to God had bestowed divine blessings on the Annakshetra.

Miracles and Divine Grace

Jalaram Bapa’s life was filled with numerous stories of miracles and divine intervention. One of the most famous incidents involved a group of mendicants who came to his house asking for food. Jalaram and Virbai, despite having very little themselves, welcomed the group and fed them. Pleased with Jalaram’s unwavering commitment to service, the leader of the group revealed himself as Lord Rama in disguise and blessed him.

There are many accounts of miraculous events associated with Jalaram Bapa. For instance, it is said that once a sadhu came to Jalaram Bapa asking for his wife’s gold bangles as alms. Without hesitation, Jalaram gave the sadhu the bangles, demonstrating his complete detachment from material possessions. The sadhu, who was believed to be a manifestation of Lord Rama, returned the bangles after being satisfied with Jalaram’s selflessness.

Another famous story recounts how a merchant named Sundarji Suthar fell severely ill and could not be cured by any doctors. Sundarji came to Jalaram Bapa, seeking his blessings. Jalaram prayed to Lord Rama, and through his grace, Sundarji was miraculously healed. This event further strengthened Jalaram Bapa’s reputation as a saint with divine powers.

Devotion to Lord Rama

Sant Jalaram was a staunch devotee of Lord Rama, and he saw his acts of service as an offering to his beloved deity. His life was an embodiment of the principle that serving humanity is equivalent to serving God. Jalaram Bapa’s devotion to Lord Rama was unwavering, and he frequently chanted the name of Rama as part of his daily practice.

A famous mantra often associated with him is:

“Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram”

This mantra reflects his deep spiritual connection to Lord Rama and the path of Bhakti (devotion) that he followed. Jalaram’s focus on selfless service and devotion became an integral part of his spiritual teachings, encouraging his followers to live a life of humility and compassion.

Legacy and Influence

Sant Jalaram passed away on February 23, 1881, but his legacy of service, humility, and devotion continues to thrive. His life inspired the Jalaram Bapa sect, which is dedicated to upholding his principles of selfless service, feeding the hungry, and devotion to God. His “Jalaram Jayanti”, celebrated on the seventh day of Kartik month according to the Hindu calendar, attracts thousands of devotees to Virpur, his birthplace.

The Annakshetra he established in Virpur still operates today, serving free meals to thousands of people every day. This enduring legacy of charity and compassion has made Jalaram Bapa a beloved figure not only in Gujarat but also among the Indian diaspora around the world, particularly in countries like the UK, USA, and East Africa, where followers have established temples in his name.

His teachings continue to resonate with people from all backgrounds, as they embody the timeless values of kindness, humility, and service. Many Jalaram temples worldwide maintain the tradition of running free kitchens, upholding the saint’s emphasis on feeding the needy.


Sant Jalaram Bapa’s life is a testament to the transformative power of devotion and selfless service. He showed that true spirituality lies not in ritual or ceremony but in compassion and dedication to serving others. By dedicating his life to feeding the poor and uplifting the downtrodden, he set an example for future generations, embodying the essence of love, humility, and service to humanity.

Even today, Sant Jalaram’s teachings continue to inspire people to live a life of devotion and kindness. His message of service without expectation and devotion to God transcends religious and cultural boundaries, making him one of the most beloved saints in Indian history.

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