What is a legend of Bhangarh Fort?

The legend of Bhangarh Fort is one of the most famous and spine-chilling tales in India, surrounded by mystery and supernatural intrigue. Located in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, this 17th-century fort is renowned for its architectural grandeur and haunted reputation. The fort’s eerie atmosphere and the legends associated with it have made Bhangarh a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts and curious travelers alike.

The History of Bhangarh Fort

Bhangarh Fort was established in 1573 by Bhagwant Das, a ruler of Amber, for his younger son, Madho Singh I. The fort was strategically built at the edge of the Sariska Tiger Reserve, nestled between the Aravalli Range and the dense forests. Bhangarh was once a flourishing town with temples, palaces, and bustling markets.

The Legend of the Curse

The most popular legend surrounding Bhangarh Fort involves a beautiful princess named Ratnavati and a wicked sorcerer named Singhia. Here’s how the story unfolds:

Princess Ratnavati

Ratnavati, the princess of Bhangarh, was famed for her beauty and charm. She attracted many suitors from far and wide. As she approached the age of marriage, tales of her beauty reached Singhia, a local black magician who practiced dark arts. Singhia became infatuated with Ratnavati and decided to use his sorcery to win her love.

The Sorcerer’s Spell

One day, Singhia saw Ratnavati’s maid buying scented oil in the market. He cast a spell on the oil to make the princess fall in love with him upon touching it. However, Ratnavati, aware of his sinister intentions, foiled his plan. She threw the enchanted oil onto a large boulder, which then rolled towards Singhia, crushing him to death. With his dying breath, Singhia cursed the town of Bhangarh, condemning it to destruction and eternal desolation.

The Aftermath

Shortly after the curse, a war broke out between Bhangarh and the neighboring kingdom of Ajabgarh. The fort and the town of Bhangarh were destroyed, and its inhabitants, including Princess Ratnavati, perished. Since then, the fort has remained abandoned, and the curse is believed to have left Bhangarh in ruins.

Paranormal Activities and Haunted Reputation

The curse of Singhia is said to have turned Bhangarh Fort into a hotbed of paranormal activity. Locals and visitors have reported numerous supernatural occurrences, particularly after dusk. These include strange noises, ghostly apparitions, and an inexplicable sense of dread.

Prohibition of Entry After Sunset

The reputation of Bhangarh Fort as a haunted site is so strong that the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has put up a sign at the entrance, prohibiting visitors from entering the fort premises after sunset and before sunrise. It is believed that anyone who stays overnight in the fort does not return.

Anecdotal Evidence

Many anecdotes from visitors describe eerie experiences, such as hearing footsteps, whispers, and screams. Some claim to have seen apparitions of people dressed in ancient attire, while others have felt an overwhelming sense of unease and terror.

The Present-Day Bhangarh Fort

Despite—or perhaps because of—its haunted reputation, Bhangarh Fort has become a popular tourist attraction. The ruins of the fort, including temples, palaces, and market streets, offer a glimpse into the grandeur of the past. The surrounding natural beauty, with lush greenery and the backdrop of the Aravalli Range, adds to the allure of the place.

Architectural Highlights

Visitors can explore several notable structures within the fort complex:

  • The Royal Palace: Although mostly in ruins, the palace showcases the architectural style of the era, with remnants of intricate carvings and grand halls.
  • The Temples: Several temples dedicated to Hindu deities, such as Lord Shiva, Lord Hanuman, and Devi, stand within the fort premises, reflecting the spiritual heritage of the town.
  • The Markets: The remains of old marketplaces provide insight into the once-thriving commerce of Bhangarh.

Tourism and Paranormal Enthusiasts

The fort’s haunted status attracts many paranormal investigators and enthusiasts who visit to experience the supernatural first-hand. Various media, including documentaries, TV shows, and articles, have explored the mysteries of Bhangarh Fort, further enhancing its reputation as one of India’s most haunted places.


The legend of Bhangarh Fort is a captivating blend of history, folklore, and the supernatural. The tale of Princess Ratnavati, the wicked sorcerer Singhia, and the ensuing curse has left an indelible mark on the fort and its surroundings. Whether one believes in the paranormal or views the stories as mere myths, Bhangarh Fort remains a place of intrigue and mystery, drawing visitors from across the globe.

As you wander through the ruins of Bhangarh, you can almost hear the whispers of the past and feel the weight of the centuries-old curse that continues to loom over this enigmatic fort.

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