Why European Historians undermined Gupta Dynasty?


Eurocentrism, the practice of viewing the world from a European or Western perspective, has significantly influenced the field of historiography. This bias has often resulted in the marginalization or undervaluation of non-Western civilizations, including the Gupta dynasty of ancient India. The Gupta Empire, which flourished from approximately 320 to 550 CE, is renowned for its significant contributions to science, art, literature, and politics. However, the Eurocentric bias in historical studies has led to an underrepresentation of its achievements in global historical narratives.

Understanding Eurocentrism

Eurocentrism is rooted in the historical dominance of Europe, particularly from the Renaissance through the colonial and imperial periods. This perspective prioritizes European experiences and achievements while often neglecting or de-emphasizing the histories and contributions of other regions. In historiography, this has manifested in the way that historical narratives have been constructed, with a focus on European events, figures, and developments deemed to have had the most significant impact on the modern world.

The Formation of Eurocentric Historiography

The development of Eurocentric historiography can be traced back to the Enlightenment and the subsequent rise of modern historical studies. During this period, European scholars began to systematize history writing, often positioning European civilization as the pinnacle of human achievement. This approach was further entrenched during the 19th and early 20th centuries when European powers expanded their empires across the globe. Colonial narratives often portrayed European culture and governance as superior, relegating non-European histories to the periphery.

The Marginalization of the Gupta Dynasty

The Gupta dynasty, which presided over a period often referred to as the “Golden Age of India,” has been marginalized in Eurocentric historical narratives for several reasons:

  1. Focus on European Historical Milestones: European historiography has traditionally emphasized periods and events that are seen as foundational to the modern Western world, such as the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Industrial Revolution. In comparison, the achievements of the Gupta dynasty, while immensely significant in their own right, were not seen as directly influential on the course of European history and thus received less attention.
  2. Colonial Bias: During the British colonial period in India, historical narratives were often shaped by the needs and perspectives of the colonizers. British historians and administrators sometimes downplayed the accomplishments of Indian civilizations to justify their rule and promote the idea of European superiority. As a result, the Gupta dynasty’s contributions were often overshadowed or simplified in colonial histories.
  3. Linguistic and Cultural Barriers: The primary sources for studying the Gupta period include texts in Sanskrit and Prakrit, inscriptions, and archaeological findings. Early Western historians often lacked the linguistic skills and cultural context necessary to fully appreciate and interpret these sources. This led to an incomplete or skewed understanding of the Gupta Empire’s achievements.

Achievements of the Gupta Dynasty

To appreciate the extent of the marginalization, it is essential to highlight the significant contributions of the Gupta dynasty:

  1. Scientific Advancements: The Gupta period saw remarkable progress in various fields of science and mathematics. Aryabhata, a prominent mathematician and astronomer, made groundbreaking contributions, including the concept of zero, the approximation of π (pi), and theories on the Earth’s rotation.
  2. Art and Architecture: The Gupta era is known for its distinctive art and architecture, which set standards for future generations. The intricate temple architecture, the development of the Nagara style, and exquisite sculptures and paintings from this period reflect a high level of artistic achievement.
  3. Literature and Philosophy: This period produced significant literary works, including Kalidasa’s plays and poetry, which are considered masterpieces of Sanskrit literature. Philosophical treatises and scholarly texts from this era also contributed to the intellectual landscape of the time.
  4. Political Organization and Administration: The Gupta Empire was noted for its efficient administration and political organization. It established a model of governance that balanced central authority with local autonomy, setting a precedent for future Indian empires.

Re-evaluating Historical Narratives

Modern historiography has begun to address the biases of Eurocentrism by adopting more inclusive and global perspectives. Scholars are increasingly recognizing the importance of the Gupta dynasty and other non-Western civilizations in world history. This shift involves re-evaluating historical narratives to ensure they reflect a more balanced and accurate representation of global achievements.

  1. Decolonizing History: Efforts to decolonize history involve critically examining and revising historical narratives that have been shaped by colonial perspectives. This includes acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of non-European civilizations like the Gupta dynasty.
  2. Promoting Multidisciplinary Approaches: Integrating insights from archaeology, anthropology, and cultural studies can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the Gupta period. This multidisciplinary approach helps to reconstruct a fuller picture of the empire’s achievements and significance.
  3. Enhancing Accessibility to Primary Sources: Improving access to and the study of primary sources from the Gupta period is crucial. This includes translating texts, preserving artifacts, and supporting research that delves into the linguistic and cultural context of the era.


The marginalization of the Gupta dynasty in Western historiography is a reflection of the broader impact of Eurocentrism on historical studies. By recognizing and addressing these biases, historians can work towards a more inclusive and accurate understanding of global history. The achievements of the Gupta dynasty, from scientific advancements to cultural and artistic contributions, deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated as part of the rich tapestry of human civilization. Re-evaluating historical narratives to include such contributions is essential for a more equitable and comprehensive view of our shared past.

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